Check out these batches and these batches for sample pictures.
10 random-coloured bettas for $100. You can mix and match giant-geno HM, giant-geno HMPK, standard betta, dwarf bettas, etc. We'll try to get you equal number of pairs when possible. Colour ranges from blue/green, mustard gas, multi-colour, copper variants, deep-sea blue, etc. All fish in the sampled pictures are included in this deal as well (if they're still avail). Shipping $25 or pickup meeting can be arranged.
The bettas you're getting aged between 2 to 3.5 months old. All giant-geno has thick and larger size than their counterpart standard bettas. Giant-geno HM line may show SD finnage but we'll try to get very-close-to-HM sent to you.
>> update 29 July:
Pictures of 2 SD males, taken yesterday. They're not the best looking form for an HM line, but they are fairly large in size, considering they're not even 2 months old yet. Some of the ray branching get to 8. Crossing them with any of the females will get you that some nice HM, if you're game on breeding them.
They're temporarily on-hold for WR, pending confirmation, but if you're interested, do let us know.
These 2 (white and copper) are temporarily on-hold for RD. Again, let us know if you want them and we'll pass them to you in case RD doesn't want them....
>> For those looking for very nice giant HM, this 3 months old serenade boy (a name coined by nicebetta) is available for $40, or pair for $70. He's been a bit neglected and the gunk affect a bit of his caudal, but he's still very young and full of potential. Thick rays, nice tie, and semi-masked platinum eyes.
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