Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Top ten signs you are a betta addict

10. Your method of falling asleep is by counting how many bettas you currently have in your tank.

9. You rush to betta section of your LFS, despite it has been displaying the exact same bettas for months.

8. You sit for hours watching your betta/fry swim as if their next moves will be the best performance that you don't want to miss.

7. You talk to your bettas and always believe that they understand what you are saying all along.

6. Your wallpaper is a betta despite constant criticisms that you should put the picture of your children/partner instead.

5. Your lounge room has only 3 furniture: sofa, coffee table, tv - with betta tanks on the coffee table and the TV on the floor.

4. You spend a good half an hour every day to decide what to feed your bettas.

3. You rushed to LFS to get medicine when your betta sneezes - or so you thought that he was sneezing.

2. Your entertainment room has been converted to bettas room and your partner is prohibited to enter it.

1. You pay your partner's shopping at the checkout and utter silently "that would have been X pairs of gorgeous bettas that I could have bought...".

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