Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Giant females sale

For breeders out there having difficulties on getting absolute top-notch giant females, here's your chance to secure some.

We have breeder-quality giant females HM and HMPK lines, aged 3 months. A couple of their characteristics:
  • guaranteed to produce giants of at least 2.5-3 inches in 3-4 months of age
  • guaranteed at least 30% of their offspring to be giants.
  • guaranteed to produce at least 80% HM/HMPK 180* spread in their offspring.
Of course the above guarantee will only work if you have equivalently good male, however the lines above produce very consistent outcome so far, hence you should not be far-behind if you cross them to good-enough males. Check out distribution of giant genes for reasoning why the above characteristics are important...

No males from these lines available, all of them sold.

The size of the males to be suggested to spawn with them will be at least 2.7 inches. Any smaller males may not be able to wrap them.

Here are a sample picture of the females with 1 standard-size HMPK female as comparison.

>> Update 29 July: added 1 more pix of the mustard/lace marble female, 4 or 8 rays.

>> this one shows comparison of the standard HMPK female swam semi-vertically, while the water barely covered half of the body of giant HMPK female. As you guessed it, pix taken during complete water change time :)

>> this one on-hold for SM, the longer fin copper female.

>> These 2 are just another MG marble, waiting for buyer to spawn them ;)

You are advised to get them now when they are considerably easier to spawn or they will grow much much larger at later stage.

Each female is available for special price of $100.
There are 3 outstanding HM females with 1+ inches of caudal tail available, each $150.

If you have purchased the males from the same lines above and considering to get the females as well, we will cover the guarantee for 3 months after date of purchase (assuming that would be sufficient time for you to breed and grow their offspring). Money-back guaranteed, less shipping cost!

Email us for any questions/clarifications - given limited time we've got online these days, serious buyers only please...

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