Monday, 19 July 2010

Top ten reasons you want to be a betta addict

10. There are lots of bettas greeting you at any time of the day when you come home.

9. They'll forget all the bad things that you've done to them once you give them a feed.

8. You get a very lively flaring show on every un-carding.

7. You will be the talk of the neighbourhood with your beautiful bettas.

6. You are not so scary to the kids anymore.

5. When you are strapped for cash to buy birthday present, there always be your bettas as gifts.

4. Your co-workers are eager to open your parcels, despite they are labeled "Live fish" or "Worms".

3. Monday is really your sickie day - you stayed up late night to show spawning techniques to your bettas.

2. Pretty girls (or boys) like you more when they see your bettas - now it's up to you to take that advantage!

1. You are god since the dictionary defines Betta-spawning: An activity of courting 2 bettas in an act of god-like pursuit by a human.

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