Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Giant females sale

For breeders out there having difficulties on getting absolute top-notch giant females, here's your chance to secure some.

We have breeder-quality giant females HM and HMPK lines, aged 3 months. A couple of their characteristics:
  • guaranteed to produce giants of at least 2.5-3 inches in 3-4 months of age
  • guaranteed at least 30% of their offspring to be giants.
  • guaranteed to produce at least 80% HM/HMPK 180* spread in their offspring.
Of course the above guarantee will only work if you have equivalently good male, however the lines above produce very consistent outcome so far, hence you should not be far-behind if you cross them to good-enough males. Check out distribution of giant genes for reasoning why the above characteristics are important...

No males from these lines available, all of them sold.

The size of the males to be suggested to spawn with them will be at least 2.7 inches. Any smaller males may not be able to wrap them.

Here are a sample picture of the females with 1 standard-size HMPK female as comparison.

>> Update 29 July: added 1 more pix of the mustard/lace marble female, 4 or 8 rays.

>> this one shows comparison of the standard HMPK female swam semi-vertically, while the water barely covered half of the body of giant HMPK female. As you guessed it, pix taken during complete water change time :)

>> this one on-hold for SM, the longer fin copper female.

>> These 2 are just another MG marble, waiting for buyer to spawn them ;)

You are advised to get them now when they are considerably easier to spawn or they will grow much much larger at later stage.

Each female is available for special price of $100.
There are 3 outstanding HM females with 1+ inches of caudal tail available, each $150.

If you have purchased the males from the same lines above and considering to get the females as well, we will cover the guarantee for 3 months after date of purchase (assuming that would be sufficient time for you to breed and grow their offspring). Money-back guaranteed, less shipping cost!

Email us for any questions/clarifications - given limited time we've got online these days, serious buyers only please...

Youngster clearance sale

Time for us to clear the tanks, there are just too many of them to manage at this point in time. It's your opportunities to get good quality giant-geno to start your own line :)

Check out these batches and these batches for sample pictures.

10 random-coloured bettas for $100. You can mix and match giant-geno HM, giant-geno HMPK, standard betta, dwarf bettas, etc. We'll try to get you equal number of pairs when possible. Colour ranges from blue/green, mustard gas, multi-colour, copper variants, deep-sea blue, etc. All fish in the sampled pictures are included in this deal as well (if they're still avail). Shipping $25 or pickup meeting can be arranged.

The bettas you're getting aged between 2 to 3.5 months old. All giant-geno has thick and larger size than their counterpart standard bettas. Giant-geno HM line may show SD finnage but we'll try to get very-close-to-HM sent to you.

>> update 29 July:
Pictures of 2 SD males, taken yesterday. They're not the best looking form for an HM line, but they are fairly large in size, considering they're not even 2 months old yet. Some of the ray branching get to 8. Crossing them with any of the females will get you that some nice HM, if you're game on breeding them.

They're temporarily on-hold for WR, pending confirmation, but if you're interested, do let us know.



These 2 (white and copper) are temporarily on-hold for RD. Again, let us know if you want them and we'll pass them to you in case RD doesn't want them....



>> For those looking for very nice giant HM, this 3 months old serenade boy (a name coined by nicebetta) is available for $40, or pair for $70. He's been a bit neglected and the gunk affect a bit of his caudal, but he's still very young and full of potential. Thick rays, nice tie, and semi-masked platinum eyes.


Friday, 23 July 2010

Giant, bubblenest, confirm!

We were intrigue when seeing some recent auctions of giants HMPK which show some pictures of the males with bubblenest and in the image you'd see "bubble nest confirm!"

We thought we'd shoot the seller the question. What's the big deal about bubble nest and what does it confirm. Well, it boils down to very simple fact. He was just trying to say that he doesn't sell old aged giants which may not be able to spawn anymore. The bubble nest is a good confirmation that the giant he's selling is still very active and can be spawned. It makes you wonder, whatever happened to the giants that he's selling without the bubblenest pictured, does that mean they are old giants? ;)

We told him that most if not all of giants that we've bought and raised made bubble nest, so that's not really a good confirmation on anything :)

In a way, it was a statement that many if not most of the giants sold in the market are too old. This is understandable since most true giant HMPK will only reach 3 inches length when he's 8+ months. Sure you've got the exceptional ones, but majority will be around that age. Dont you ever trust that advertised aged written on auction sites. No way you can get a 3" giant aged 3, 4, or 5 months old, particularly if it looks like an old giant!

Old age is not so much big deal if you are experienced breeder. You only need one spawn to get to the next stage. However, you will need several tries if you are inexperience and that's when it matters in choosing appropriate breeder fish.

Surprisingly this is a well kept secret from buyers, but there you go, you know about it now ;) Think twice before you purchase that giant, check the picture in detail to see indication of old age. Get your fish from trusted sellers...

Monday, 19 July 2010

Top ten reasons you want to be a betta addict

10. There are lots of bettas greeting you at any time of the day when you come home.

9. They'll forget all the bad things that you've done to them once you give them a feed.

8. You get a very lively flaring show on every un-carding.

7. You will be the talk of the neighbourhood with your beautiful bettas.

6. You are not so scary to the kids anymore.

5. When you are strapped for cash to buy birthday present, there always be your bettas as gifts.

4. Your co-workers are eager to open your parcels, despite they are labeled "Live fish" or "Worms".

3. Monday is really your sickie day - you stayed up late night to show spawning techniques to your bettas.

2. Pretty girls (or boys) like you more when they see your bettas - now it's up to you to take that advantage!

1. You are god since the dictionary defines Betta-spawning: An activity of courting 2 bettas in an act of god-like pursuit by a human.

Friday, 16 July 2010

Top ten signs you MAY be a betta addict (but you didn't realize it)

10. You know every betta acronyms and use them in conversations.

9. You find faults on every betta that you see, even pointed out the 1-scale misalignment that nobody noticed.

8. You read all the spawning posts on the net and actively give spawning suggestions despite you never spawn your bettas.

7. You only have 3 bettas in your 10-chamber custom-built tank.

6. You meticulously measure water quality despite using aged water.

5. You buy 2 copies of a betta poster - 1 for bedroom and 1 for living room.

4. You have boxes of smelly microworm culture weeks before you started spawning your bettas.

3. You drove 3 hours to an LFS when you've heard they've got new imports despite you can't confirm if bettas are part of the imports.

2. You panic when the bbs doesn't hatch and started crying when you realize it takes 2 days to prepare new batch and by that time the fry will starve to death.

1. You have only 1 betta but fully prepared with all medicines mentioned in the forums.

Top ten signs that your partner is a betta addict

Change he, she, his, her, appropriately to the gender of your partner.

10. You only win an argument after a threat of doing harm to his betta.

9. Lots of discussions on dinner table revolve around his latest betta addition.

8. He skipped church complaining being tired only to find him in the fish room at a later time.

7. You shop guilt free after saying "You can buy that pair of bettas you've always wanted, dear...Can you pay this for me?"

6. He named his bettas, still remember their names after the bettas long gone, and yet he can't remember your friends' names.

5. You heard him mumbling "stupid fish" every time he comes out of the fish room - it must have been a failed spawning.

4. He boasts about his biggest fry in every tiny detail despite you can't tell which fry he was talking about.

3. You discovered one day that half of the items in freezer have "fish food" labels on them.

2. He insisted to get broadband "It's for the kids' school work", but half of the time you saw him online on betta forums.

1. He refused making love because he wants to witness his bettas spawning!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Dwarfy's dwarfs

Remember dwarfy? Well, we decided to play with the dwarf genes, and spawn them. It was a difficult spawn since their size was incredibly small. But to our surprise, it was a successful one.

Not particularly large spawn, about 20-30 or so of them. But they sure was entertaining. The size of the brood is consistently small. A small few are standard size HMPK, but majority is small. Note that we didn't do anything special with the spawn, no starving, or any tricks. They have ample of foods, just not growing any bigger :)

They are about 6 months old now, about 1 inch in size. Definitely a bit more difficult to distinguish male/female, but there are some clear winners there.







If you want to purchase them just email us. We do not encourage breeding dwarf bettas but at the end of the day it's your decision to make. On the bonus side, there is nothing physically or genetically wrong with any of these guys, so you know you're getting healthy bettas.

Beautiful youngsters

While we're extremely busy these days, breeding still continue, at least behind the scene and in a very much smaller scale.

Interesting that we now can control the number of offspring that we'd like to have in any single spawn. If we want small number, we simply spawn any of the available adults without much warming up. Large numbers can be attained by properly preparing the pair and carefully calculating when they need to spawn.

Anywho, enjoy the below pictures. Their size is slightly larger than your typical HMPK but you guess it right....they're giants. The key is knowing their age, then you can appreciate their size ;)



They are about....1.5 months old, hatched on 6/6/10. Always entertaining to see these youngsters grow. Looking at the picture, one would thought they're your typical HMPK/HM at much older 5-6 months. Always hungry, but at least with much great attitudes too.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Top ten signs you are a betta addict

10. Your method of falling asleep is by counting how many bettas you currently have in your tank.

9. You rush to betta section of your LFS, despite it has been displaying the exact same bettas for months.

8. You sit for hours watching your betta/fry swim as if their next moves will be the best performance that you don't want to miss.

7. You talk to your bettas and always believe that they understand what you are saying all along.

6. Your wallpaper is a betta despite constant criticisms that you should put the picture of your children/partner instead.

5. Your lounge room has only 3 furniture: sofa, coffee table, tv - with betta tanks on the coffee table and the TV on the floor.

4. You spend a good half an hour every day to decide what to feed your bettas.

3. You rushed to LFS to get medicine when your betta sneezes - or so you thought that he was sneezing.

2. Your entertainment room has been converted to bettas room and your partner is prohibited to enter it.

1. You pay your partner's shopping at the checkout and utter silently "that would have been X pairs of gorgeous bettas that I could have bought...".