Saturday, 18 September 2010

Top ten reasons to start breeding bettas

10. You know you want more of them, the genes must be preserved!

9. If the parent costs you $100 a pop, imagine how much $$$ will you get for all the offspring!

8. Seriously, how hard could it be to get these two to spawn!!?

7. He's kinda lonely there. Wouldn't it be fun to have a full house of these so called fighters?

6. I dare you to do spawn them! Did I hear chicken noises?

5. Do you believe that liar? He said black crosses white produced red, blue, and green - you must try it out!

4. You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? Go breed bettas and show us what you meant.

3. Revenge of a loyal customer: you've bought enough from pet shop, time for them to buy from you.

2. When you've spawned successfully, you get green belt. Spawn more to get black belt - we bow to you O King of Bettas.

1. You ran out of money for the dope, selling the other kidney is not an option, time to make more of this fish and sell them.

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