What interesting from this bunch is that they are just a month old but seems to be very competitive. Coming from HM giant lines, there may also be a small few HMPK thrown in. Both males and females flare :) Slightly difficult to differentiate between males and females for some of them, but there are some outstanding males and females sprouting already. We noticed some OHM form there too, that's a good sign. Branching is at 4 at the moment with some few already at 8. No rosetail gene that we're aware of, but we shall see how it turns out.
It's always amusing to watch them flare on every feeding time - since that's the only time we are around. Guess how frequent we need to change their water...Every day! These guys produce so much gunk that every night we have no option but to change their water first before feeding them, they can't see the food! They have consumed a full 1L live worms in 2 weeks time. Growing them would cost a leg and an arm, but that's the nature of these giants.
They are yet to be jarred, perhaps tomorrow or the day after. Lots of jars to be cleaned before they can be occupied.
Enjoy the movie.
They are available for sale, for those interested. Random 10 bettas at $100 including shipping. Buy more and you've got discount too, of course. While stock last and our apologies again: we can't take individual pictures or select any particular fish for your order - there is simply no time for us to do that. First come first served ;) And before we forget, you *may* see a nip on your ordered bettas, watch the movie and you'll understand why we can't control such small nipping. Definitely no major nipping yet ;)
They grow extremely fast, barely a week ago they were not even sprouting and flaring much yet :) We're more than looking forward to getting good giant genes out of them.
If you want them, email us.
>> Update, here is a sample picture of one of the boys. Most of them are of similar quality, nice form :)
1) avail, bonus

>> Update, for those looking for HMPK, it's confirmed. Some HMPK in the batch. Enjoy their low resolution photos :)
2) similar fish avail

3) similar avail

4) similar fish avail

>> More pix as they're freshly jarred...Some lucky ones will depart very soon :)

5) similar avail

6) similar avail, bonus

7) avail

8) similar avail

9) avail

10) similar avail

Some have requested that they'd like to choose what to be sent to them. We thought "fair enough". Here's your chance, have a choose from the above pictures, you can only choose 3 from the above. If they are avail, then they'll go to you, otherwise we'll let you know if something similar avail ("similar" refers to form, not to colour - when we say they are similar, you will get same exact form). So, 3 of your choice, and 7 randomly from us. The random ones will come from newly jarred bettas and if they are females, they will come from the grow out tank. First come first served, your chosen fish may be offered to the first person who wants it and pays for it! Keep watch of this page, we'll post more pictures of the males AND females! Yes, there are some very promising females seen in the tank and they'll be made available too. Remember, we haven't even reserved them for our stock yet, hence you'll get the first pick of some of the very best :)
Also, apologies for those who felt disadvantaged on the above offer (those who purchased from us previously and didn't have the chance to get the pick). If you would like to purchase more from us, you get to pick up to 5 of your choice out of the bulk of 10.
Some pictures above are marked "bonus". You can pick 1 as your bonus provided you buy 1 lot, for free, while stock lasts. They are free because there is something wrong with them! It could be torn anal fin (picture could be taken prior to the torn), it could be SD form, it could be slight imperfection on one of the fin (imperfection in our eyes, which usually very minor in other people's eyes), etc. Only about 5 fish available as bonus. Contact us if you want to know what's wrong with your chosen one.
>> Update, took a few more pix of newly jarred ones, a bit of accidental fight on one of them... Can't take pix of females, running out of jars :(
11. Only a few of black orchids, here's one of them.

12. Also very few copper green marble, nice colouration...

13. This one is nice pattern with great attitude too. Definitely one to watch for.

14. Can't get enough of this guy, aggressive and moving fast. Slight OHMPK.

Body thickness for the boys above (and their females) are really nice. Over the weekend we'll need to sit down and properly select a few for our next generation. In the meantime, any of the above that you're interested, you better yell fast before they're gone! Special note to those HMPK fanatic, they are bloody good form, go get them now!
Our apologies for those who have special requests (e.g. choose X, Y, or wanting to pickup/visit us), time is not permitting and that's why we cover the postage to get a quick sale without much fuss....Thanks for understanding.
>> PS. For those intrigue on the size and progress of these batches, we've picked 1 male above and started to track his development size on this post. It'll be updated every 2 weeks or so, so you better follow it to see or compare what you've got there with what we've got (and how we grow him).
>> Warning: DO NOT try to spawn them yet, despite their perceived standard adult bettas size. They're only 1.5 months old atm. Instead, feed them lots and lots of food and you'll be amaze on how big they'll get...
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