The first pair. Male is our own boy, giant 6-7 months (if not more??? don't keep the track of his age now), size about 4 inches, he used to be nice HM till he got into fighting and started to get collapsed tail. Just an SD now. Nice thick rays and body length. Female is our own as well, one of the breeder-quality female, 8 rays, nice long fin (if only she can grow longer, that would be good), 3.5 months old. Both are first timers, so would expect fast spawning. Male is way too aggressive though, so it is expected that the female will be 'damaged'. She's also very eager and attempts to challenge the male, very nice dancing around the tank is observed this morning.
The pair, too obstructed view, but give the size differences. Male is nearly 2x the size of female if not more.

The female.

Zooming in her tail, just for fun. Not spreading large as yet, but nice long anal.

The second pair. Male is half-giant green from D&S. Female is our own from our copper gold. This may not work out. The female is too large for the male and the male sense there is impossibility of wrapping her, so, it wasn't much action happening as yet. but we could be surprised when we get home later ;) ;)

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