Monday 19 January 2009

Some ideas for dotted bettas

Interesting how people call their bettas, or their strains, and come up with all sorts of names. We've called some of our bettas "dalmatian" cause they really look like dalmatian dots to us, at least their appearence does resemble one :)

A similar dotted pattern for instance is called "orange dot" or "dotted orange" when it appears on orange-based bettas. This doesn't get fancy name to it, since no one can figure out what it resembles. A variant to "orange dot" seems to be "orange polka" or "polka dot". Again, this name is not catchy enough and people have difficulties of relating to it (who's in the textile industry these days?). Calling the bettas with fruity name such as "mandarin" isn't really attractive either. Similarly, a yellow-dotted on melano doesn't really get fancy name either.

Another name, though not related to the dots, used frequently and becomes strongly associated with strong yellow colouration is "yellow banana". Perhaps, banana in some countries are really strong yellow. It refers to "intense yellow" but it seems "yellow banana" sounded better?

Now, what about orange-dotted on chocolate bettas? Recent name to it, which seems to fetch ridiculous price, is called "armageddon". Not sure what the history of that name, it doesn't really look like the end of the world, but it sure is catchy.

As with most dotted fish, they are inherited! So, it's kinda funny when the seller tries to reassure that the offspring will be armageddonized. In fact, it is so strongly inherited that it is difficult to get rid of the gene, just like marble ;)

Talking about armageddon, it seems the line comes from black orange being crossed to dotted orange. We're not quite so sure what was the fuss about. Surely it's fairly easy to produce these days, but why would the price be ridiculous?

Anywho, what kind of dotted fish would you like? How about some of the ideas here:
  1. dotted copper red - copper red with with orange dots. you could try to cross copper gold with dotted orange or dotted black orange, it will produce copper red and hope that some of the fry carries orange dot. you may ended up with dalmatian or red marble, but that's pretty as well :)
  2. dotted MG - MG crosses with black orange dotted, you get multi but some will be MG and black orange too, just a matter of placement where the dots ended up. maybe this is the way they've got armageddon initially!
  3. dotted red - surely they can try to cross dotted orange or dotted black orange to super red (or extended red). c'mon, we like to see the flaming red! Some multi colour are expected as well, but there may be a few nice dots in the mix
  4. red gold dotted! - now that's something to look forward to. the golden body with red finnage, and throws a bit of red or orange dot on that beautiful finnage. you may need to get either orange black dot or orange dot and cross it with a platinum gold. The outcome should be red gold and we'll see whether the dots will show up ;) Some fry will be cambodian based while others would be black base (if you cross to black orange).
A bit of warning though, bettas carrying dots usually yield to some marbles being thrown in the spawn. So it really depends on the parentage of your fish. Nevertheless, if you're bored, and want to experiment on the dots, why not give the above a try? Worst case you'll get beautiful multi colour offspring and even some weird colours from the mix. If you manage to get any of the above colouration, do show it off to everyone!

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