Friday, 16 January 2009

Moments to remember in your betta's life

okay, just like any of your kids, when you treasure any  moments spent, what would be the moments you'd like to remember for your bettas? Though each betta is different, making the global theme (e.g. "spawning") somewhat dull, the specific detail of the moment worth remembering (e.g. when the female teases the male) !

In our case, here are the top moments, from "the start" to "the end is the beginning":
  1. courting, when male and female dance the ritual; each tries to impress the other, teases one another, just reminded your teenage years ! ahh, specially that "first love"
  2. wrapping, egg dropping; how both male and female freeze on that split second moment
  3. picking up the eggs, thy both need to pick the eggs. love you honey, let's get the eggs to safe place
  4. seen how relieved the female after spawning? she'll go to the corner, keep one eye at the nest, sometimes come by and help the male pick the fallen eggs
  5. male tending egg; some males would stand there, staring at the eggs, and not move an inch! remember how you waited in the hospital for the baby's arrival?! Your male must have been waiting there patiently, making sure no single egg left behind, all taken care of
  6. hang in there, boy! your fry first hatching and trying to cling to his life, on the tank's glass or on that single bubble his dad had made for him, and perhaps a bit overcrowded competing with some of his siblings!
  7. you miss that one, that one, and that one. oh, c'mon, surely you can pick them all up quicker!! that's when the male tries his damn hard to pick the fry, and you sounded more like your mom, nagging your dad for his inefficiency :)
  8. patient is virtue. see how the male patiently picking up the fry, despite the very same fry may have fallen off the bubble every single time he spits him out
  9. see how proud the mom in picking up her fry too...she would pick the nearby fry, make some bubbles for them, and spit them out, while keeping safe distance from the dad
  10. don't play too far...that's when the dad keep picking up as many free-swimming fry and move them closer to his bubblenest
  11. chase, boy, chase it! nearly there, nearly there, got it! good boy...that's when you see him snatch his first brine shrimp :)
  12. no, not that one, no! that's when you're screaming to him when he tried to eat that over-lengthy worm, but then you felt all good when he learnt how to split the worm in half :)
  13. how they all stare at you when they are hungry...hurry, hurry, hurry!! we want food !!
  14. his first flare...that's memorable, how he flares to another sibling after a full tummy
  15. he's a teenager now, see how he flares to another male, how he keeps a good eye on that gorgeous female, how excited he becomes :)
With any good moments, there are bad ones. Here are sad moments that hurt, wish they never happened:
  1. make the damn bubble, boy! why can't you make a single damn bubble! there is a gorgeous female there, make it, damn it!
  2. ah, crap, that's it! you just torn the most beautiful female caudal I've got. I hope it's all worth it, otherwise you're off to the toilet!
  3. you big dumb boy, how hard could it be wrapping that female! do i need to teach you that!! wrap her from that, no, not in that corner again! there isn't enough space there, stupid idiot !
  4. oh please, don't drop that egg, wait when the male wrap you...ah, crap, what's wrong with you two. those eggs are not fertilized, focus, focus on wrapping, not on picking those unfertilized eggs!!
  5. third time's a charm? i'm warning you, do it properly this time or you're out of the priority list
  6. did you just suspect your female cheated on you?! that's your fry fallen there, pick them up!
  7. where did you spit your fry? i didn't see it ! sh*t, did you just eat your own fry?! i'm watching you, dont you dare do that again! spit them up right away!! now !!!
  8. what's wrong with him, he doesn't look good...c'mon boy, you've got plenty of fry to take care of, are you okay?
  9. ah, darn, i've got no food and there are plenty of hungry fry here. what should i do? is there a nearby shop open? who has some supply?! someone, help me!
  10. no, not that over-lengthy worm, don't eat that one! ah, crap, now what do i do? you see, i told you not to snap that one, you can't breath? wait, let me see if I can pull that worm out of your mouth...
  11. what's wrong with you guys? why are you dying off one by one? i've changed the whole tank's water, but still dying off, what should i do?
  12. what the hell are you doing on the floor? mobbing? stupid fish, do not jump!
  13. how many times do i need to tell you, do not get into your brother's room! now see what you've done, both of you, *sigh* all that beautiful fins, ruin :'(
  14. that's another male there, flare! you coward!
"You've seemed to have gone through so much suffering, if you were given another chance, would you give it another try?" YES! It's all worth the experience.

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