Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Last remaining stock

We are raising the money for Victoria bushfire and QLD flooding. For those interested in our stock, please consider to donate the money to help our fellows aussies and we'll send you off the fish of your choice (below).

  1. choose any fish you like here (confirm with us that they are still available!)
  2. donate the money to appropriate charities (redcross.org.au is recommended) or call 1800 240 667 (Victoria bushfire) and 1800 173 349 (QLD flood)
  3. we'll send you fish once you've let us know
If you dont know/want to donate direct, you can send the money through us. You need to include the shipping charges ($25) to your donation (and donate it on our behalf).

Fish available (all giant-geno):
  1. 3 lots of juvies (unsexed; see sample pics on this post); each lot is 10 fish for $40; 2 months old
  2. 2 lots of large HMPK juvies (see pic on bottom of previous post); each lot is 5 pairs for $60; 2 months old
  3. 1 lot of large HM juvie (see sample pics on previous post); 5 pairs for $75; this lot is on hold but register your interest and we will inform asap if the holder decides not to take them; 2 months old
  4. 1 lot of adult HMPK of 5 pairs (sample pics on http://mybettas.110mb.com) for $100; 4 months old
  5. 5 breeder-quality HM giant females; each $100; 4 months old; large size, suggested to only breed these with large males; sample pics
Please note: in the unlikely event of DOA, we may not be able to provide replacements if we don't have any left in stock. However, rest assured that DOA rarely happens (fingers crossed).

Contact us direct on our email (find the email on right hand panel). Thanks for all the support.

>>> Added: just for fun, here is a sample of lavendar HMPK juvie again :)

>>> Added, more pictures of HMPK juvies, taken 18th Feb.

Chocolate/Coffee bean boy


A couple people had been looking for a sample of MG, here you go. not good lighting, but still...

pineapple boy is the easiest one to take pictures :)

>>> Added 21 Feb:

The following left in stock now after caging all fish in the smaller tank:
  • 1 lot of hmpk juvie, 5 pairs, $60 (2 green MG, 1 blue MG, etc)
  • 1 lot of hm juvie, 5 pairs, $75 (1 opaque marble, green marble, etc)
  • large HM juvie for breeder (both male and female for breeder), each pair $100
  • large HM giant female, 4+ months, $100 each

The above would be all stock currently held, finally we managed to clean up the tanks. Thanks for all who have supported the effort, much appreciated.

Here's sample of green marble boy, he just got isolated for couple of days and had grown considerably :) He is part of the hm juvie lot above.
green marble

Here he's again, funny boy, he likes to cruise the whole tank when flaring
green marble

Sample of 2 breeder HM juvie males are avail on these movies (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6DBBAs6UjA and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4BAHYY-pvY). Both have grown much larger since the movie was taken. These breeders are part of a 6-pair breeders we kept for ourselves, but we've decided to only keep 1 pair for ourselves. Your chance to get very nice breeders. Finnage are very nice for both males and females. Note that they are about 2.5 months only, so they will be growing to a much large size. Breeder females are matching the size and branchings of their males ;)

Updated picture of the pineapple/chocolate/black bf male, nice size and very active boy :)

>>> Added: here's a movie of pineapple boy, taken a week/two ago but only had time to post it now (compressed to 1 MB)

Quite nice spread and pretty agressive (the opponent was dark, hence difficult for him to see)


  1. just got them yesterday, how do you feed them so large? nice fins. recommend to everyone to get them!

  2. separate them, regular exercises, and feed regularly (and plenty!), live foods mainly. carding is important otherwise they'll get bored easily after prolong views


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