Tuesday 11 November 2008

Summer is coming, but that's not easier for breedings

In the hope that warmer temperature will stimulate (better) breeding for the giants, we tried out 2 giant pairs in the tanks. They're more than eager, but typical difficulties with giants still exist. Either the female is too large for the male to wrap, or she's not interested in the awesomeness of the male.

It would be easier if we had chosen smaller females. But this time, we really wanted to try our breeding skills against much larger female. The two females in the tank are both 2.8 inches and 3 inches. They are massive for such young age (3.5 months now). In fact, they look like the "big momma" (Lawrence) movie, but in a much bigger scale compared to their standard bettas counterpart. These females are paired against their sibling brothers, each of 3 inches long as well. The males are more "skinny" on the tummy, whereas the females are at least double the size on their "waistline".

Unfortunately, this is day 3 already, lots of nipping of female's tail, but no eggs. They are still dancing and flaring continuously. If they were the typical bettas, we would expect them to successfully spawn by now. Oh well, perhaps just another wait and see.

It is still interesting to discover that we are just as newbie in giant spawnings. They are challenging beasts. Pick them too young to spawn, they ended up being very aggressive (though usually successful spawning), but we dont know if we've picked the largest-eventual-giant from the pool. Pick large ones to spawn on much later time, in the hope of producing yet-much-larger giants, usually yield in disappointment cause the darn thing won't spawn at all !!!

Usually the males are to blame though. Their body is not big enough to handle the body of the female. Dying to hear back from the experts out there as to how to spawn giants the "easy" way. Let us know if you know a trick or two.

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