Monday 8 September 2008

giant video spawn

we've got the permission to upload this video and picture from the owner. we're pretty happy to see the success of this spawning, cause the pair is just awesome.

we helped in importing the male. he's copper giant long fin, about 4+ inches (4.2 -4.3 inches, or 10+ cm). forget about the typical 3 inches (7.5 cm) that are being sold as giants, these coppers are huge! they have such gorgeous tail, long wavy tail on all finnage. very high and large dorsal, very long caudal, and anal is just dead drop wide.

here's what the male looks like (photo courtesy of seller).

the female is one of our long fin 8 rays giant HM line. she is very young, about 3.5 months, and about 2.8 inches. she comes from copper x plat red.

in this movie (you need flash player), you can see how the male managed to fully wrapped and hide the female.... just awesome!

here's the video

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