Wednesday 16 July 2008

any takers for small bettas?

We have 3 tanks of small bettas, age about 1 week to 3 weeks (some of them have parents still "doing" the job). We barely can take care of them at the moment though they don't need much apart from regular bbs feedings. All of them from giants (2 short fin HMPK lines, 1 long fin HM line).

If you're in sydney and can spare hands to raise them, you can have some or whole tanks. We only ask a couple of pairs of the fry when they are adult. Not sure how we can transport them though, cause some of them are still very tiny...but transporting the larger ones would be straight forward (hopefully). Shipping is a no-no for these guys, they're just too small, don't think they will survive the travel....

Contact us direct if you're interested.

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