Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Thin giant or short fat one?

Interesting observation on our current HM giant lines. There are 2 types of giants, so it seems, despite they are half siblings.

The first line has very thick body, but surprisingly shorter finnage. The bulkiness of the body is good sign, but why would the finnage shorter? Note that both parents are all extremely lengthy finnage...This makes these guys look like fat & short giant.

The second one is the opposite. Body-wise isn't particularly thick. Sure, the body is long, longer and bigger than your standard HM, but not to the extreme. We would love them to be about 1.5x to 2x in terms of body thickness....Finnage-wise, they are long and excessive, what we expect of a giant. This second line seems to be thin-body giant, more like a giant on a diet.

This same observation is also noticeable on HMPK giants, but because their finnage is already short, a lot of people didn't really pay much attention to it. Look at some of the giants available, you'll notice that there are some HMPKs with extremely large body but somewhat the finnage is way too short !

Things seem to be different if you have half-giant HMPK or 75% giants HMPK. Many of them look quite balanced (we're discounting those giants mixed with long fin betta, some of them come out with longer-than-usual finnage).

What do you have on your stock?

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