Thursday, 18 June 2009

Large tank vs small tank for breeding bettas

This seems to be a topic commonly asked by new beginners, should you choose largish tank or the smaller ones if you intend to breed bettas?

The answer really boils down to your preference and somewhat the personality of your bettas. Some bettas dont care really what kind of tank you provide them, so long the water condition is good for breeding. Some bettas are very fussy, they get "lost" in big tanks, grew tired of chasing the female and ended up on a prolonged dating. Such dating will only turn out as successful spawn when the female is ready to accept the "invitation" from the male.

What you also need to consider is that breeding is a lot easier if done in smaller tank. Anything as big as 10" or 12" tank (about 20cm in length) will do. The advantage of using smaller tank is that once the eggs hatched, you don't have to get headache on feeding them and they will find foods much easier, hence contributing to faster growth on their part. Note that once upon a time, when they are about 3 weeks or 1 month old, you can (and must) move them to larger tank.

So, the suggestion is...start it on smaller tank and move them to larger one as they grow.

BTW, if you're breeding extensively large giants, say those 4+" HM ones, then you need double the size of the tank mentioned above. The large giants dont like small tanks. The small tanks are mostly applicable for HMPK (giant or otherwise) and standard HM bettas.

Happy breeding :)

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