Sunday, 8 March 2009

Shipping to AU only

We've got a number of enquiries about shipping our fish internationally. Lots of US and European acquaintances thought that "east coast" refer to their east coasts, no, it's Australian east coasts :)

Unfortunately, shipping international is not possible, not now, not in the future. Please correct us if we're wrong, but as far as we know, Australian Quarantine requires proper paperwork in order for such shipment to happen, hence only registered exporters can do this "officially". True, there are many opportunists who would just send the fish through EMS, but this is considered illegal. If the destination country does not do checking on such parcels, then it could be okay. Some countries do strict checking, the fish will end up confiscated (provided they arrived there on-time, some EMS could take days and some countries are having opposite weather than ours).

Anywho, unless we've got the above incorrect, shipping bettas overseas is not considered a viable option for the time being. You better stick with your importers or transhippers, they usually get your fish through proper channel with less risks involved.

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