Saturday, 28 March 2009

Availability as of end March

Haven't been updating for awhile about what's available for sale.

For those still interested and wondering, all breeder-quality males are gone. Breeder-quality females still available, 3 or 4 of them left.

5 males medium sized HM still available, no females, you can have the breeder-quality females if you so wish. Not having much time to take their pictures these days, but all of them are nice HM (1 is an SD, but rays are straight). Just check our previous posts to see samples, they are not far off different (oh, one of the male is an awesome marble - complete white body and black fins!). Some greens, lavendar, etc.

All are nice, active, and ready to ramba.

Contact us on email if you're interested, set your price.

These guys would be the last lot you'll be seeing for yet another 2 months :)

>>> Update: 2nd April: all males no longer available. Some females still available, either for interested ppl or our stock :)

1 comment:

  1. if you can obtain bettas from waterchange, do so!!! very highly recommended.



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