Saturday, 28 February 2009

Update pineapple boy pics

Just thought to update pineapple boy pics. They were taken couple of days ago. His movie also avail on right panel, for those interested.

This pic is not so good on lighting (flashed), but shows better spread of the boy :)

A fairly cramped picture below.

As mentioned, he's avail as part of the breeder-quality on sale. When we have time, we'll take pic of the female, very nice one ;)

Breeding technique

A number of enquiry came about breeding techniques. You may want to read our spawning 101, that should get you started. The problem with us at the moment is that we've spawn successfully so many times that we forgot how to make failed spawning, so bare with us when we retrace our steps.

For start, conditioning. Nothing really special that need to be done. if you feed your fish with frozen, flake, or live foods, then keep it up. We usually prefer live food, a lot easier to handle and less cleaning. Make sure the male doesn't see any females for couple of days or weeks prior the spawning. Do the same to the female, don't allow her to see any males (she can live in community tank, no biggy)

Tank size, between 5x to 10x the length of your fish, with width about 3x to 5x. Usually we do spawning in 16" tank, but 12" is ok too, so long your fish comfy.

Many people made mistake of spawning their fish in established tank. While this is sometimes ok, we usually spawn our fish in a brand new established tank. The water has to be aged (or dechlorinated) but typically the tank is newly established. Remember that we don't use gravel, plants, etc, hence this kind of setup is fairly easy to do.

Selection of males and females. Of course you need to get 2 healthy ones. Males need to be able to make bubblenest, and very active. If he's not active, you need to find ways to make him active. If your tank is too cold, or too hot, males won't be happy there. So, a nice 25-27C temperature is good. Nothing more important than getting your male comfy. If he's eager, you are half-way through already. Next get eager female too. Female size should be wrappable by the male. Too larger female is no good. Too young bettas also not good, they lack the readiness or experience. Usually a 4 or 5 months bettas would be best, they're more than ready.

Introduce and cage the female. You need to pay attention to see whether the male and female are interested on each other. Male should be making nice bubblenest in 1 or 2 days time, if he's not, then you know he's not ready yet. Female needs to be flaring back to the male, that means she's interested. If she's not, you are not going to get successful spawning unless the male extra super agressive.

Some females will jump up and down the tank when chased. That's normal. Make sure you *don't* have anything for her to anchor into. For instance, if she's scared of the male, she will have tendency to jump over a leaf, or anything above water. If she gets to this mode already, and you do not stop her (by removing those objects that she can anchor to), then you will *not* get successful spawn. Why is that? Well, because the female is too young ! She's still immature and scare of the males. She doesn't know what to do but running away.

If you follow the above technique, hopefully you get good successful spawn. If you want big large spawn, then feed them a lot, extend the introduction period. If you want "manageable" spawn, then you can simply introduce the female right away, knowing she has sufficient eggs there and she's healthy.

In most cases, the female will be torn to pieces, unless you've got very gentle male.

Good luck in your breeding :)

Observations on the HM giant-geno line

Perhaps the most joyful experience so far on doing bettas is in getting the outcome from current spawn, there are just so many wonderful colour turns out in the spawn, all of them active with nice spread. True that some of the offspring have thin finnage, but majority is very nice and thick.

While crossing multi pair won't get you solid coloured bettas, you get some very unexpected colouration thrown at you. Not knowing the outcome perhaps is the best medicine, particularly for those who do not expect much from the colour department. Check out our previous posts to see some of their beautiful pictures.

It's also interesting to find out how some of them turn out to be HMPK when majority is very much long fin. In fact, they are so long, the fin can be considered excessive length. The plus side is that the fin is not even feather tail nor rosetail !

Some of the breeder males are just awesome, show quality (wondered whether we have show happening around -- have heard about QLD show, that's still on?). Would be nice to send them off for a show to compete. They'll lose on colour, but the form is great :) Too bad they're still young though, could easily be beaten by those older fish, but hey, fun is fun.

While many of our previous spawn have decent pectoral fin, width is reasonable, length is slightly shorter than anal, many of the current breeder-quality males actually have very long pectoral fins, not to mention long anal fin to match it (and of course caudal also long). It does seem that they've got tendency of very long fin, hence our confusion when we find some HMPK being thrown in the spawn. About 10 of the breeder-quality females are 8 rays (if not 16, just can't count them as there are too many splits). But that's not only it, the fins are also excessively long, at least for their age and body. So we're kinda waiting to see what they'll turn out in a month time. Currently the 10 females occupy the full tank on their own, large 3" tank. They flare to each other but in a kind way. Big bouncy tummy, so fingers crossed we'd choose 1 to be crossed with D&S half-giant (still sometime to get them ready for F2, they still need proper growth).

Perhaps one that we're still complaining about is the tendency of their finnage to be "too long". This has detrimental effect when environment isn't as clean and water changes not happening too frequently. When environment is not supportive, their top-cornered fins can become bending (either top dorsal, or top caudal). This is particularly noticed when we have some of them being placed in small tanks, the bending happened whenever they go to the water surface where dorsal fin would be folded. Is this genetic? not so sure either. We experimented a bit and noticed that the smaller tank males do have this tendency, while the bigger tank ones are quite free of the problem. Interestingly, some females have shown this as well, initially we thought "oh, crap, it's genetic", but then upon closer inspection, it wasn't actually bending. The females that show this "bending" are in fact have heavy branchings such that the most outer caudal rays are being "pushed" aside, hence it looks like as if they were bending. The females would swim naturally, and when they flare, you'd notice that "bending" went away.

The $64,000 question is then whether they will turn out to be giants after all. While some will not be giants (most giant spawns will yield certain percentage of "regular sized" bettas that carry giant gene), some half of them do seem to be giants or at least carry it. It's not as thick finnage as you'd want a giant to be, but that could very well be because of the "line". The size and growth, however, are impressive. A set of breeder-quality males, for instance, are the size of a standard full-grown HM now, and they are only about 3 months old. Their size beat easily some adult HM males, but funnily you can really see that they're just "boys". They've got the young smaller face, that innocent face.

Health of the spawn has been great. None of the fish sick with anything whatsoever. They don't have those typical problems with HM, such as collapse fins, fin rot, etc. All in all, there had been no issue at all with these guys. This is considered special, since in their early days we had quite frequent interruptions to our electricity, hence nights could be pretty cold at times and yet they were not affected. Other lines, including our HMPK giant lines, were affected by such interruptions, so these guys can be said as the winner of the breed for now. Hot weather and ice block didn't seem to worry them as well.

Are there any SDs in the spawn? Yes, of course, there are. There are 3 SD noticed so far. The real number could be larger (don't know if any fish sold were SD or HM cause we sold them young). Their body is quite large, but that could be attributed to large tank. The one thing that we found weird about these SDs are their finnage branchings. They are actually 4 and 8 rays branchings. So the branching is actually quite nice, but somehow they stayed at SD. It could be that they lack the necessary exercises, our fault really, cause we didn't have enough tanks for all fish, hence they were neglected for awhile and their finnage being torn during flaring. While the number of SD is, hopefully, low, it does seem that this line require constant flaring exercises to build their fin. Once they've got to be HM or OHM, lesser exercise regiment can be done without harm. Some of them have very straight finnage, which means without any exercise they'll always be HM or OHM, they form the typical D shape needed for desirable HM line. Oh, they don't have DT line ;) Isn't that great outcome? Such nice spawn without the help of DT.

So, what would we like to improve on the current line? This would be the list:
  1. get bigger giants, the bigger the better, with longer tail
  2. exteme branchings, also like this experiment
  3. some OHM females would be good ;) We've got OHM in males, but would love to have on females too
  4. crossing with our copper, to achieve yet bigger giant
  5. get one of those "sky hawk" dorsal, that would be awesome
  6. improve the strength of the rays, perhaps crossing to other stronger finnage giants
  7. anyone has nice dragon giants? that would be a good mix for this lot ;)

Friday, 27 February 2009

Looking for nice blacks and reds

One of fish from D&S died today :(
It's a nice black dragon female. The colour brings back memory of our own super black line, terminated awhile back.

Anywho, if anyone out there has nice black line, preferrably pure black (double black, super black) or nice black dragon, let us know. We can always exchange our stock ;) Wanting to start black line again.

Not looking for melano, though double black or super black from melano is good so long the female is fertile.

Alternatively, if you have nice blood red or super red, we like them too :)
Not traditional red, nor cambodian red (at least not showing any of cambodian flesh).

BTW, only looking for long fin HM or HMDT, no short fin, finnage has to be acceptable, hence picture would be nice.

Betta posters

Today when we went pass local petshop, we noticed that they've got very nice betta posters. A couple of them, some from Thailand, 1 from Singapore, and 1 from Indonesia. Amazing combination of PK, VT, HM, DT and wild. We asked whether they will import the bettas from those countries, but no one knows. The posters apparently belong to one of the owners and he wasn't there.

Perhaps next time, when pass through there, we'll see if we can get him to get more bettas. They only have VT and CT. May even offload some of our HMs to them ;)

Interesting posters though, may need to start hunting as to where to get them. Would be nice to be placed in the fish room, oppsss garage.

Fresh air and rain help soothe the soul

Picture tells a thousand words:

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Green & Copper Spawn

New spawning happened last week, but we've been busy, so only have time to update it now.

Male, from D&S, nice half-giant

Courting video, cut off cause it got really rough! Spawned on same day, 20th Feb. Female was introduced right away to the tank without proper introduction ;)

The eggs, male taking care of it (can't really see the eggs, but he's busy there)

Not large spawn, but that's the whole purpose (can't handle yet another large spawn!). There are about 200 or so of these fry.

Fry at 1 day

Fry at 3 days

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Fish Tycoon game, addicted and fun

Just thought people may like to try this out. We had been spending some time with this game, it really takes your mind off all the stress. Suffice to say it is very addictive too :)

The game is called "Fish Tycoon", it is available on lots of devices ranging from PC, MAC, or even to mobile such iPhone. The purpose of the game is to collect the 7 rare fish by crossing 1 fish to another. you breed the fish, and sell the excess on the shop.

It's so cool, the fish grow as the time passes. You breed a fish now, go away for lunch, by the time you get back, you've got plenty of baby fish :)

The trial version only allows 1 tank plus 1 sale tank and max 7 fish per tank. Paid version allows up to 21 fish per tank with an extra 1 tank.

Go get it, it's so much fun, you can set the timer to run as normal or double the speed. you can buy various items for your fish. Just promise not to cheat (lots of cheats available on the net), cause cheating will ruin your experience :)

Unfortunately, the fun only lasts till you find the 7 fish. Once that's done, the whole game will just continue forever.

Blood still boiling over Black Saturday

There had been enough sadness lately, with all those stories of bushfires. Flood over QLD has been seen as "less" devastating in comparison. Lots of anger up in the air on the state readiness (or rather unpreparedness and lack of coordination) to handle such disaster, despite everyone knew it will come eventually (who's the idiot that couldn't predict that will happen when you've got a full week of 40 degrees happening). On the same time, this has been forgiven with all the open-hearted aussies who had been digging deep to help them, including your kind donations! So, thanks again, we can't stress this enough.

Having said this, the drama isn't over yet, rebuilding processes just starting up. We will eventually see that those brave firefighters and volunteers to get rewards they so deserve, and those who were incompetent (on part of the government and their agencies) to pay the hefty price.

We still vividly remembered how the rep spoke on national TV on Friday, the day before black Saturday fire, to say that they'd be "acting on it tomorrow morning", and that was barely Friday afternoon. He clearly played down on the whole thing, showing how incompetent he was (and everyone who supported him). He dared to say so when he announced there were 14 people died, and he was expecting only about 40 people! Maybe he thought the number were still small enough, so another night won't do much harm (note to him: 40 degrees for days, it aint getting cooler at night!)

What was the suggestion when the fire started? "stay inside your house". Oh, well, no wonder we had so many people died. Where is the evacuation plan? Are we the only idiots living on the planet, when fire is ravaging so closely to your house, you'd think staying in house will save your life or whether your life is worth more than all the material you're trying to protect? As you can see, our blood is still boiling with this event.

That wasn't the only incompetent thing they've done. Bureau of meteriology had been saying how the wind will change etc, and yet, they did backburning sporadically, resulted in, yes, you've heard it, bigger fire! Now, we aint pointing fingers to the firefighters that started the backburning, that wasn't their fault. The lack of coordination and planning is sooooooo sad. It's as if the many firefighting organizations are not even communicating to each other.

It's so sad to see our fellow aussies die needlessly, just because we took for granted those who supposed to protect and give "good advice" to us.

Sure, the easiest solution would be to point fingers to those who start the fire to begin with. Heck, for all we care, just give them capital punishment for causing so many deaths. That solves the problem. Their lives shouldn't be more valuable than those whom they destroy, why would they get the luxury of being jailed? What's the point apart from wasting all our tax payer money.

Having said this, those who were incompetent also need punishment. No, we're not talking about "review of processes" or restructure here and there, that's lame! They shouldn't even dare to say that's the "only" lesson learnt from this! It's about time this government (and all state governments) to be accountable for all of their incompetence. We paid them high salary not simply to sit there doing nothing, if that's what they think of the job, then they better darn be sacked.

Here is the things we encourage others to do as well:
  • donate (time, money, effort, whatever)
  • make sure this won't happen again (point the fingers, raise your voice, get them accountable)
  • capital punishment -- one has to be responsible for one's action, no leniency, or otherwise others will take for granted of the leniency (law should be there to protect the victims, not the offender!). okay, this maybe still too many controversy, but something ought to be done with our law. year after year we still see people starting fire, that just means our law isn't working we felt a bit better, we've been keeping this deep inside. We know this post won't help much to those who were hurt, but hopefully it serves as acknowledgement that we are not leaving you behind. Thanks for reading, feel free to correct us.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Last remaining stock

We are raising the money for Victoria bushfire and QLD flooding. For those interested in our stock, please consider to donate the money to help our fellows aussies and we'll send you off the fish of your choice (below).

  1. choose any fish you like here (confirm with us that they are still available!)
  2. donate the money to appropriate charities ( is recommended) or call 1800 240 667 (Victoria bushfire) and 1800 173 349 (QLD flood)
  3. we'll send you fish once you've let us know
If you dont know/want to donate direct, you can send the money through us. You need to include the shipping charges ($25) to your donation (and donate it on our behalf).

Fish available (all giant-geno):
  1. 3 lots of juvies (unsexed; see sample pics on this post); each lot is 10 fish for $40; 2 months old
  2. 2 lots of large HMPK juvies (see pic on bottom of previous post); each lot is 5 pairs for $60; 2 months old
  3. 1 lot of large HM juvie (see sample pics on previous post); 5 pairs for $75; this lot is on hold but register your interest and we will inform asap if the holder decides not to take them; 2 months old
  4. 1 lot of adult HMPK of 5 pairs (sample pics on for $100; 4 months old
  5. 5 breeder-quality HM giant females; each $100; 4 months old; large size, suggested to only breed these with large males; sample pics
Please note: in the unlikely event of DOA, we may not be able to provide replacements if we don't have any left in stock. However, rest assured that DOA rarely happens (fingers crossed).

Contact us direct on our email (find the email on right hand panel). Thanks for all the support.

>>> Added: just for fun, here is a sample of lavendar HMPK juvie again :)

>>> Added, more pictures of HMPK juvies, taken 18th Feb.

Chocolate/Coffee bean boy


A couple people had been looking for a sample of MG, here you go. not good lighting, but still...

pineapple boy is the easiest one to take pictures :)

>>> Added 21 Feb:

The following left in stock now after caging all fish in the smaller tank:
  • 1 lot of hmpk juvie, 5 pairs, $60 (2 green MG, 1 blue MG, etc)
  • 1 lot of hm juvie, 5 pairs, $75 (1 opaque marble, green marble, etc)
  • large HM juvie for breeder (both male and female for breeder), each pair $100
  • large HM giant female, 4+ months, $100 each

The above would be all stock currently held, finally we managed to clean up the tanks. Thanks for all who have supported the effort, much appreciated.

Here's sample of green marble boy, he just got isolated for couple of days and had grown considerably :) He is part of the hm juvie lot above.
green marble

Here he's again, funny boy, he likes to cruise the whole tank when flaring
green marble

Sample of 2 breeder HM juvie males are avail on these movies ( and Both have grown much larger since the movie was taken. These breeders are part of a 6-pair breeders we kept for ourselves, but we've decided to only keep 1 pair for ourselves. Your chance to get very nice breeders. Finnage are very nice for both males and females. Note that they are about 2.5 months only, so they will be growing to a much large size. Breeder females are matching the size and branchings of their males ;)

Updated picture of the pineapple/chocolate/black bf male, nice size and very active boy :)

>>> Added: here's a movie of pineapple boy, taken a week/two ago but only had time to post it now (compressed to 1 MB)

Quite nice spread and pretty agressive (the opponent was dark, hence difficult for him to see)