Having said this, the drama isn't over yet, rebuilding processes just starting up. We will eventually see that those brave firefighters and volunteers to get rewards they so deserve, and those who were incompetent (on part of the government and their agencies) to pay the hefty price.
We still vividly remembered how the rep spoke on national TV on Friday, the day before black Saturday fire, to say that they'd be "acting on it tomorrow morning", and that was barely Friday afternoon. He clearly played down on the whole thing, showing how incompetent he was (and everyone who supported him). He dared to say so when he announced there were 14 people died, and he was expecting only about 40 people! Maybe he thought the number were still small enough, so another night won't do much harm (note to him: 40 degrees for days, it aint getting cooler at night!)
What was the suggestion when the fire started? "stay inside your house". Oh, well, no wonder we had so many people died. Where is the evacuation plan? Are we the only idiots living on the planet, when fire is ravaging so closely to your house, you'd think staying in house will save your life or whether your life is worth more than all the material you're trying to protect? As you can see, our blood is still boiling with this event.
That wasn't the only incompetent thing they've done. Bureau of meteriology had been saying how the wind will change etc, and yet, they did backburning sporadically, resulted in, yes, you've heard it, bigger fire! Now, we aint pointing fingers to the firefighters that started the backburning, that wasn't their fault. The lack of coordination and planning is sooooooo sad. It's as if the many firefighting organizations are not even communicating to each other.
It's so sad to see our fellow aussies die needlessly, just because we took for granted those who supposed to protect and give "good advice" to us.
Sure, the easiest solution would be to point fingers to those who start the fire to begin with. Heck, for all we care, just give them capital punishment for causing so many deaths. That solves the problem. Their lives shouldn't be more valuable than those whom they destroy, why would they get the luxury of being jailed? What's the point apart from wasting all our tax payer money.
Having said this, those who were incompetent also need punishment. No, we're not talking about "review of processes" or restructure here and there, that's lame! They shouldn't even dare to say that's the "only" lesson learnt from this! It's about time this government (and all state governments) to be accountable for all of their incompetence. We paid them high salary not simply to sit there doing nothing, if that's what they think of the job, then they better darn be sacked.
Here is the things we encourage others to do as well:
- donate (time, money, effort, whatever)
- make sure this won't happen again (point the fingers, raise your voice, get them accountable)
- capital punishment -- one has to be responsible for one's action, no leniency, or otherwise others will take for granted of the leniency (law should be there to protect the victims, not the offender!). okay, this maybe still too many controversy, but something ought to be done with our law. year after year we still see people starting fire, that just means our law isn't working
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