Thursday, 7 October 2010

Reflection on current giant batches

It's good to record it somewhere of our reflection on the current giant batches. In a simple words, what's good, what's bad, and what needs improving.

The bad first:
  • anal fin is a typical HMPK, a tad long, making it shorter would be good
  • some long fin has SD caudal, not quite HM
The good:
  • very nice, broad and high dorsal. Some HMPK shows dorsal broadness indicative of DT despite no DT gene
  • HMPK has awesome form, nearly 100% shortfin males are HMPK with close to perfect D shape
  • body is thick and big, pretty strong indicative of giant genes
  • rays quite thick
What can be improved:
  • more colours would be good, currently all are blue/red, green/red, copper-ish, black orchid, green, blue, marbles.
  • ray branching varies from 2, 4, to 8. Majority males are in the area of 4 branches. Not sure if they'll branch further (cause parents were 16 rays). Indicative of fresh new bloods in this line, still unstable as far as ray counts go.
  • caudal for long fin needs improvement by crossing to siblings or another good-caudal fish
  • while majority is large size giants, only small (maybe 20%?) will be true giants. Crossing the largest ones will improve the odds further.