Thursday, 23 April 2009

Post easter betta sale

>> Update 29/06/2010. Please check our main blog entry on for new fish offerings.

We're releasing some of our stock that are not on hold. If you're interested, contact us via email. Shipping $25 as usual.

Here are the availability:
  • $50-$60 per pair, giant-geno, HM, 2 months + 3 days old as of today, sample male is on this movie:
  • each $100, large giant HM female, adult, 5-8 months, 2.5 inches to 3 inches, again sample picture on movie above. most are 8 rays if not 16 rays.
For the pair, there are only very few available due to their young age and size - but also because majority are already accounted for...Furthermore, please note that the line of young pairs above turns out to be overly aggressive, hence you need to take this into account for your breeding plan, whether this is for good or for bad. The aggressiveness has caused 2 of the males to break a few rays on their caudal, though the breakage is very minor.

>> updated 25 April
Additional pairs available, here samples for the batch. This is giant-geno, age 2 months, body is thick.
Cost: $20 per pair or $75 for 5 pairs

Dark pix just showing green/red and the white opaque males (only 2 opaques avail).

Another green/red male

Green boy

>> updated 4 May
Only very few males left, some females still avail. only 3 large giant females still avail. Price varies from $20 per pair to $60 per pair, email us.

>> updated 7 May
This boy has lots of potential as breeder. He's one of the few left, keeping some of the potentials till last ;) He has nice bulky body accompanied by thick finnage. On top of it he has a matching attitude. 2.5 months old. He's available for $50 with sibling or half-sibling female, your choice. Giant-geno of course.
green red potential

For those who contacted us asking for pix of the melanos, here's one. Not the best pix but will do. He's avail with sibling melano female if you like to do your own experimentation or with one of his melano/black orchid marble for a bit of fun. There is a gold melano female avail for him as well.
melano giant-geno


  1. who flattened that betta's nose?

  2. Any Updates?


  3. Have been busy and slowing down on breeding, but you know how it goes (just like new year's resolution, isn't it?).

    Yes, we've got some new stock to be released, email us separately (see right-side panel for our email, if you dont have it)


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