Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Careful in dealings with sellers

As with any adults, white lie typically considered okay. But where would one stop? Recent dealings with some sellers had lead us to believe that they are not totally honest on things.

Here's a quote (cut off XXX due to privacy reason):
"you can have them if you can send money to my paypal now at XXX but must be right now since i need money to pay for my son tuition tomorrow or they will not let him take a final test".

It sounded like one of the email scam we've been hearing on the news these couple of year...

Normally, we would symphatize with such situations, after all, many people including us had experienced how stressing it would be when times are tough and totally cornered with very limited options. Yes, we've helped previously as the reasons made sense, and we gave the benefit of the doubts. However, this time, the reasons are WAY different from the previous ones, and they were only a couple of days apart ! Surely one wouldn't be hit by a series of bad luck, but who knows...they could be on the downturn if not sliding way faster than a landslide.

If they told the truth, we may be more willing to listen...Supposed they tell the truth, would you wait till last minute (really...last minute!) to try find that tuition fee? If you do, then boy, you really need to smack your head for being ontime. We kinda wondered how much would that tuition fee be, particularly they were asking couple of hundreds usd. Child education these days is just getting out of reach, even in the third-world country, or could it be *because* it is in the third-world country!

Suffice to say, be very careful on every dealing you're having with sellers. They may have the goods, but interestingly they may come up with all sorts of stories to make you feel sorry for them. Talk to other people, us, your transhippers, etc to find out if they knew something is odd about a particular seller before you drag your sorry ignorant a** (sarcasm doesn't always work here, but you get the point).

How sad that one's action could cause distrust to the community.

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