Thursday, 11 December 2008

Update on the fry

Another couple of days of growth and it gets more apparent of their size. All are single tail, as expected, which confirms our goal on achieving OHM without DT gene. Both parents are single tail but have large caudal sizes. Looking forward to see these guys grow with large caudal. Kinda interesting to see what to do with them all though, a single spawn of about 400+ fish, all of which are long least we've got 1.5 months or so to find housing for them

Here's the pic, zoomed in to a small portion of the tank, complete with gunks

fry3.jpg fry 3 picture by breedingsmybettas

They've enjoyed bbs and mozzie larvae with ease. Some have started to pick on the worms too, only a matter of days when they start to hassle the worms properly....Need to get some larger mozzie larvae too, otherwise they'll be bored....

Talking about larger mozzie larvae, they're quite cute when chasing that bigger larvae. They know they can't eat them, but they like to pick on them and somehow manage to kill off the larvae, perhaps because of the injuries sustained during the attacks....

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