Monday, 24 November 2008

Giant gene to enhance bettas

Some have asked whether this is true. Well, yes. Giant bettas, if you choose good ones, will enhance your typical bettas gene.

See, the trick is in the sheer size of the body. This will improve the size of your bettas and increase their form as well.

Of a particular experiement, we've found that normal bettas will increase in size once bred to a giant and this will stabilize on at least 2 generations, e.g. F1 will give you lots of 50% giant with improved genes already, F2 will get back to majority of "normal" bettas, but with slightly larger size. Robustness of the bettas also improve.

Interestingly though, if any of the fry carry (and reflect) heavy rosetail trait, then their size is no difference than normal bettas. This is perhaps the effect of extreme rosetail. Furthermore, while "normal" rosetail will have detrimental effect on bettas' size and health, a giant that carries rosetail is in fact seems much healthier and active (though this could be just a particular spawn that we have -- we need to monitor and do lots more experiementations to see this).

Another interesting observation is on the thickness of their finnage, or rays. Normal bettas with very weak rays can be improved by crossing it to a giant. It improves the strength of the rays.

As with any spawnings, you need to choose your breeders carefully ! After all, the spawns will inherit the good and bad traits from the parents.

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