go to LFS and hope to find an HM line male or female, tough luck....Chances, if you ever see the female, it would either be plakad, veiltail, or some sort that you never know.
Nostalgia....Still remembered how we hold our breadth when they wrap, how we waited those long hours just to see the eggs falling, and agitated we were when the male didn't pick the eggs at all, or frustruated we were when the bubble kept bursting despite the best effort that we did with all the heater and tank preparation....ahh, those were the good times :)
Anyway, here's the offer. If you would like to experience spawnings, we are offering our fish for FREE! Each person is limited to get up to 2 pairs. They won't be the greatest fish you'll ever seen, but they carry good genes (heck, otherwise there won't be a point for us to spawn their parents to begin with!). Most of the times the males would be torn-fin because they fight, but that shouldn't deter you in spawning them, would it??? Long fin males most probably be Super Delta (SD). Females usually quite okay, may not be perfect either with little torn here and there. Of course you will never get deformed fish, that's out of the questions. All fish would be either HM or HMPK lines (your call which ones you like -- as long we have stock). You would be very surprised on the offspring later cause they actually carry very good genes (but we won't spoil your fun, find and discover it for yourself)....Lots of colours available, but we either pick them
randomly for you or you specifically say what your favourite colour and we see if we have them in stock :)
We don't want anything back from you. They are given to you as FREE. Perhaps we are hoping that you'd support us in the future by buying our stock (that helps reducing the cost of providing these great bettas to others), or better yet, perhaps we hope that you also do the same deed to others.
However, most of our fish are very young at this point in time, so chances you will need to keep them for at least 2 weeks to 4 weeks before you can spawn them. The ones avail for sale are quite big and ready to spawn, that's provided you'd prefer the "better" ones.
If you are interested, contact us on email. If for some reasons you were unlucky with your given pairs and would like to keep trying, give us an email and we'll arrange something (happy to sell some pairs for very reasonable price).
How do you get them? We're in Sydney, so if you're in sydney too, meeting could be arranged (though very much difficult on timings, give your phone #). Shipping can be done as well if you live in other cities, cost $25 to eastern coasts.
Spawning experience is one of the reasons why we've been in bettas for awhile. The excitement, the disappointment, the success, and the failure. Hope we can share that experience with you too.
PS. We still encourage you to support fellow breeders (including us) who are offering their stock for sale. Consider this offer as supplement to those with cash-strapped pocket, hopefully the offer takes a bit off of your stress or allow you to experience breedings :)
Good luck and happy breeding.