Saturday, 17 May 2008

For Sale or Charity

We have some giants young and adult available for sale or charity (while
stock lasts).

Prices as listed. You either:
  • pay us the prices for chosen fish, or
  • you donate the money to charity (MSF is recommended: and pay us shipping cost if shipping is required
young giant HMPK
- age: 2 - 3 months
- length: about 2 inches
- colour: blue, red, yellow, platinum red, black maroon
* 2 rays pair: $30
* 4 rays pair: $50
* 8 rays pair: $80

adult giant HMPK
- age: 3.5-4.5 months
- length: 2.5+ inches
- colour: blue, red, yellow, platinum red, black maroon, green
* 4 rays each: $50
* 8 rays each: $80

young giant HM
- age: 2 months
- length: about 2.5 inches
- available in DTHM and HM lines
- colour: copper gold, gold, copper black, green, blue,
metallic green, yellow, platinum gold, black blue lace
* each: $40

Note that some fish may have very small nip due to growing and
sharing community tank.

Shipping cost $20. Pickup meeting can be arranged if you live in Sydney,
but not preferred, email us first to arrange time/date (have to bother
neighbour's son to help give fish).

Contact us at mybettas at gmail dot com if interested.

additional disclaimer: if you donate considerable sum to charity and would like to 'redeem' some fish, we're more than happy to choose some of the best of our lines to be sent to you. This is our way to acknowledge how thankful we are for your help to those who are in need. Please do not hesitate to 'redeem', as we're more than happy to share our fish to good person such as yourself. Thank you!

some more pictures of the green and lace. they are taken during feeding, too much disturbance and activity going on :). The green is taken on flash, the lace without flash. No pictures of DT atm, too difficult to take their pics, but roughly same size and beauty.

lace HM giant line

green HM giant line

More pics of the copper gold, DT and single tail HM. A little bit fuzzy but here they are :)

DTHM copper gold

copper gold sideway

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