Monday, 24 March 2008

green giant OHM

we've got nice green giant pair OHM long fin. Their body is not as big as standard giant, due to their long fin nature, but they're definitely from giant background as the body width is much bigger than standard long fin. We haven't measured their length yet, perhaps one of these days when we have them isolated and when we have time :)

the beauty of this pair is that the female is OHM, and the male is also OHM. The 1st batch of fry is already about 1 week old now, and to our amazement, more than half of them already have the OHM finnage! It seems parents come from at least 16 rays branching -- doesn't seem to be 32 rays, but who's counting the rays these days when they branch so heavily :)

They seemed to come from platinum or opaque line cross to mask green. So half of the fry is opaque in body (easily distinguishable even when they're just small fry!) and the other half is of darker body.

The plan is now to cross this pair to our other giant lines, hence improving their size as well as their finnage. The output colour doesn't seem to bother us for the time being. So we'll see how they cross to our melano giant line, cambo red giant, wild blue/red giant, and our own mask green giant MG. That if this pair can stay strong for all of these spawnings. By the look of it, they're very young age and very agressive, so that's the good thing about it. Also long fin makes it a snap to spawn these fish, as they don't have the problems we've been facing with HMPK line.

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