These 2 giants need new home. We haven't been able to make use of them cause all tanks are occupied for spawning and rearing....It's so sad really, cause they looks very nice to each other (fighting that is) and their size is just amazing to see.

They're about 3x the size of normal hmpk. nice to see how they swim side by side with the others in our tank, but over the time they get to be the bully and got irritated with other fish around them.

Anyway, if you're interested, shoot us an email. We may just sell you 2 for the price of one, hopefully you can make use of them. They come from 8 rays spawn, but these 2 are only 4 rays. When they spread their caudal, they are actually ohmpk. the blurry pictures don't do them any justice at all, but then it's very hard to take pictures of moving object (plus crappy camera, but who's complaining, right?)
In the picture, you can see the front male of not spreading to its max. it's quite clear of its 4 rays (and very thick fins). Also you can see how they compare in size with other hmpk and hm in the tank :)
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