Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Continuous spawnings

Yesterday morning I've seen the giant red pair having a go on spawning again and again, lots of eggs on the nest. This is their 3rd or 4th spawns and meanwhile there are tons of fry there, the accumulation of previous spawns. The surface is full of fry already, and yet somehow the parents think they better have another go :D

It's quite interesting sometimes to see this happening. From time to time, I'd get a "compatible" pair that would just keep spawning until I separate them. Sometimes, you've got those "incompatible" pair that would need a long time to get their act together (due to immaturity most of the time).

This giant pair initially took a very long time to get their act. But once they understand each other, the females can't get enough of the male ;) ;) and she'd just come back to the nest for more....The male, in this case, also gives the female some space. Once they've finished spawning, the female will go to the other corner of the tank while the male busy tending the nest, stay there for couple of days, then revisit the male when it's hatching time. Yes, she helps picking up the fry from bottom of the tank and spitting them back up. The male doesn't seem to be worried about the female at all, knowing she is a good mom and won't eat the fry :D

Interestingly, I usually don't use such a big tank for any of the spawnings. This is because I notice that the pair has to be the "great" pair in order to spawn in such a space. Usually I use smaller tank and this resulted in sure spawn, but very rough experience for the female.

Anyway, perhaps in couple of days time I need to split this pair and stop the cycle. After all, it's quite difficult to handle 500-800 fry and god knows how many fry hanging on the nest, if they all survive...Hmm....removing the female is also going to be tricky, I'm bound to scoop out 20+ fry easily and kill some on the way when scooping out the female....oh well....

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