Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Factors influencing giant genes

> I have a pair of giants that live in an outdoor pond.
> A few months while checking on them, I noticed a single fry swimming around with them.
> She is now 4 months old but never grew any bigger than a normal sized betta.
> What kind of ratio of giant to normal sizes do you get in your giant spawns?
> If I breed her with one of my HMPK boys, I should get some half giants, right?

The percentage of giants produced in any spawn to some extent is still governed by the .

Let us try to list some of the very apparent factors that we believe to contribute to production of more giants (for those who are interested in the more politically (or scientifically) correct discussion can close their browser now). The size of the giant depends on a number of things:
  1. stability of the gene - this is very similar to HM, crossing 2 HMs won't get 100% HM. some giants have much more stable genes than others. Read the distribution of giant genes link that we've posted awhile back. New giant blood typically only gives about 10% giants (even if both parents are big). Half-giant, apart from the apparent size, also refers to the percentage of giants that only produce about 5% giant offspring in its F1 (when crossed to another giant), at which point its F2 and subsequent FXs will increase its giant-ness percentage.
  2. food - starving giant fry will produce stunts and therefore won't be any bigger than typical HMPK, though good giant gene will ensure that even if their size isn't any bigger, their scales and finnage would still be "thicker". If they're still young, you can feed them a lot and you should see their body mass to increase dramatically
  3. rosetail gene - rosetail will make the body somewhat smaller than what it would otherwise be. In giants, a 3.5" giant (not showing rosetail but known to come with rosetail trait) will typically only have 2.5" to 3" siblings. unfortunately rosetail is heavily used in production of HM and HMPK to improve their form, and therefore quite difficult to avoid (any HM/HMPK giants that you buy will carry rosetail gene one way or another, even if their current form look like an SD). Extreme rosetail on the other hand has been a controversy for some time with some would pay a leg and an arm to get while others would avoid it like a plague.
Your outdoor adventure is probably due to combination of the above. If you cross her back to the parent and feed any of the offspring properly then you'll get nice giants out of them (ignoring their form or colour etc).

Crossing her with standard HMPK will reduce the percentage of giant-ness. Will you get half-giant? probably. Most probably is that you'll get lots of "slightly-bigger" HMPK (25% giants) rather than half-giant. It should take about F3 in order to recover some satisfactory giants once they're crossed to standard HMPK, that's assuming F2 and F3 will always choose the largest of the spawn.

Good luck on the spawning...

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Easter Bettas Sale - Here Come The Dragons

It's Easter again and with the festive seasons come the colourful giants to your door step.

Here are some giants available for those who are wanting great quality fish.

They are still young but should be ready to spawn now - lots of females with eggs there, so prepare your tanks folks.

These come from competition-winner lines and many of them surely show the quality.

Pick up can be arranged, email first.
Courier to most cities cost $25 for as many bettas as you wish.
Cheaper delivery method available - no guarantee on arrival though, you take the risk.

Bulk prices:
  • Lot of 10 for giant fancy XL = $150
  • Lot of 10 for giant fancy L = $125
  • Lot of 10 for giant dragons XL = $180
  • Lot of 10 for giant dragons L = $150
  • Mixed 10 giant fancy and dragons XL = $165
  • Mixed 10 giant fancy and dragons L = $135
  • Mixed 10 normal females (fancy, dragon, dumbo, HM, HMPK) = $70
We'll try to get you 5 males and 5 females when available but you may get more males if one of those females "turn out" to be males. Large number of females have very good form making them a bit difficult to differentiate from males.

Individual prices:
  • giant dragon = $35 ea or $60 pair
  • giant fancy = $30 ea or $50 pair
  • giant dumbo (only female) = $45 ea
First come first served as usual. Email us if you're interested.

Here are the pictures of the dragons - many other dragons available, just don't have time to take their photos.


Giant fancy pictures below, some with perfect form, great for competition.


This one is a very nice show quality.


Notice how sharp and nice the female caudal is.


Giant dumbo HM - fins are ruggerized cause they're from community tank.


Go breed the giants.

>> Added: 9 April - some more giants before the battery flat, will add more later.

Red dragon
2 red dragons
Nice scaling
Glass white marble, full of personality
Photobucket Photobucket
Another show stopper

Young boy recently jarred
Chunky boy (right hand) needing flaring exercise but otherwise very promising in size

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

We're back !

For those who don't know, we've been away for a good year due to unforeseen matter. Thanks for all the wishes and prayers, everything is slowly coming back to normal now - sort of.

What can we say, all bettas were given away and with the help of a few individuals (thanks KL and GD) we manage to have some fun in keeping some bettas now.

Haven't gotten the chance to sort out all of the emails yet, there are only about 800 of them...Probably won't be able to respond to many of them. If you're looking for some fish for sale awhile back, then tough luck, they were all gone. Keep watching this space though, some are to be posted sooner than you thought. If you're looking for advice or inquiries, you'd be better off resending them again or you'd probably found the answers by now.

Again, look forward to chat with any of you again - definitely miss the fish.